“The Arrival”, tells a story about the journey and reunion. The young father leaves his home to create a better life for his family in a new big city full of opportunities, eventually the entire family got together and the new city became the new home.I enjoyed the photorealistic human figures,that evoke the intimate feelings of my overseas experience. I am from Ukraine, and this is my senior year in the United States at Ringling College. I went back home twice a year during summer and winter, but the summer is really short while missing is very long. It wasextremely hard for me in the first year, I am like the young father in the comic book, I go to the new land alone, I have to speak the new language, and I have to meet the new people. Sometimes, it is really hard to talk with my family about what is happening to me or what is new in school, because of two different cultures. But, I am glad that I made the decision to come to Ringling. It enriched my knowledge and my experience,as well as, enlarged my vision.
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